Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Lonely Hall

E. Hall - truly one of a kind.

"How do I love thee ... let me count the ways,"

1.) He would buy bags of chocolate covered toffee candies and proceed to throw them wildly around his apartment. So that when you sat or leaned or looked just about anywhere you were greeted with a sweet surprise. "I just love finding these little guys" was his explanation.

2.) His coloring book. That is what his scriptures were affectionately called. Why. Probably because he indiscriminately colored various lines of the scriptures because "BYU girls will go crazy for me when they see how spiritual I am." Once when I was looking in his scripture I came across a single verse w/ like 24 different colors in it. Each line was a different color. And as you might know, a single thought would span several lines, but that didn't stop E. Hall from coloring each one a distinctly different color.

3.) The way he would let people smash their faces into his looking into his eyes exclaiming "What's going on in there!?!?"

4.) Nothing was ever serious with him ... nothing.

5.) He had as one E. said a black man's ------ (manhood shall we say).

6.) The guy played the accordion flamboyantly ... and loved every minute of it.

7.) He was district leader for a very short period of time (I think his only calling ... other than that of Elder). He opened EVERY meeting with Hymn #154. He would always explain that this was his favorite hymn and how he especially liked how it began with 8 measures of rest. He would emphasize how important it was that we sing it as it is presented in the hymn book, which meant he wanted us to wait the full eight measures before anyone sang. We would, with great feeling and emotion, beat out the 8 measures for us and then bring us in to sing the remaining scant 3 lines of the song.

E. Hall - I miss you terribly.


JJ said...

Outstanding!!!! I have some classic Elder Hall photo's that I will need to scan and post. Stay tuned.

Ryan said...

It looks like it is Maddie's or Barzy's turn now. I will vote for Barz since I think Maddie si still at sea. Parks has to get home before he can access blogs at all.

All my pics are at my parents house 1000 miles away. I wish I had them. Maybe I will retrieve them over Thanksgiving (assuming the mini-van will allow the extra cargo).