Wednesday, November 7, 2007


Well, now it’s time for [drum roll] Elder Pattee’s Top 9! YAAAAA!
Today’s topic: The Top 9 stupidest things people say at the door while tracting:

#9: “I can’t open the door—my husband has the keys”
#8: Them: “I’ve already read the Book of Mormon”
Us: “Really, in what language?”
Them: “In Estonian.”
Us: “It hasn’t been translated into Estonian yet.”
#7: “I can’t talk to you because you molest children”
#6: “I’m Naked”
#5: [No response, although we can hear them moving around]
#4: Us: “Hello, we’re church missionaries.”
Them: “No!”
Us: “No really, we are.”
#3: Us: “Hello, we’re church missionaries [in Russian]…”
Them: “I’m sorry, I only speak Russian.”
#2: Us: “…and we’re here to speak to you about Jesus Christ.”
Them: “No thanks, we’re Christians.”
And the #1 stupidest thing people say while tracting in Estonia is: “Nobody’s home!”

1 comment:

Ryan said...

Am I missing something here? What the heck is Hesburger? I want someone to post that picture of Maddie imitating that all too happy man on the bilboard behind him. Who has that pic? Maybe my parents do....